Part 19: Summer 1991-Spring 1992
The real Linda³ begins here!
-- Not Hidetaka Miyazaki
How do you like them bananas?
-- Anonymous
Hello again, and welcome back to Linda³! It's time for Scenario C! Let's see what it will bring us!
As always...

...we start from the main menu, which leads into..

...the familiar scenario selection screen.

Of course, today we'll select to start Scenario C, "Astro Ark".

Except... unlike before, this time we get a bit of a curious prompt from the game! I mean, I guess it might be a reasonable question, but the phrasing and tone is a bit... odd. Nonetheless, we HAVE indeed already finished playing scenarios A and B to the end, so it's probably safe to tell the game to "go away" and to let us proceed.

And so we finally get to the usual screen which lists the winning conditions for this particular scenario. That definitely looks a bit more wordy than before!
Well, here goes:
- Capture no less than 100 animal species. At worst 70 species, preferably 90, and you can start bragging about it at 100.
- Take off with the ark.
The phrasing is a bit odd (again), but really anything less than 100 gives you a game over when the time expires, so in the end it's the same as before except this time the limit is not 30 or 50 but 100.
Except... not really.
Turns out, the game is not being entirely truthful here.
Sure you can finish the game if you have 100. But... there is a, let's call it a "true" ending to this scenario in addition to the normal one. You can only see the "true" ending if you collect ALL 120 species. There is no room for error here--things are serious now. But that's ok--I have stated in the introduction that our goal will be to 100% this game, so that's what we'll do. It's definitely somehwat fraught with pitfalls, as there are several "dead man walking" scenarios in which you can accidentally find yourself without realising until it's way too late to do anything about it.
Of course, as you can imagine, considering this requirement, in this scenario we have access to the entire game world, and unlike before, no areas will be blocked off to us.
If you're playing on "hard" difficulty, then there are additional conditions: like in previous scenario, you are again not allowed to use dogs. In addition to that, you are also not allowed to use any equipment (clothes/weapons), and also you are not allowed to leave on the ark before Ken's mum leaves the planet.
That last one ("don't leave before Ken's mum") is kind of not so important if you are collecting all 120 species. The logistics of capturing some of them is such that you anyway can't finish before 1999, so you'll more or less naturally end up leaving after her, without having to make a special effort over it. So this time, as you can see, we're in it for the long haul!
And, yes, indeed, since this scenario pretty much plays out over the entire eight year period, this is the first time we'll be able to see some of the more immediate effects of the passage of time. But more on that later.
One last thing, back in the PC Engine original the total number of species was only 100, so the extra 20 are actually an addition in the remake version.
All right, I think that's enough for an introduction. Let's start playing!

As always, we start with Ken having breakfast with his mum!

Like always, the phone rings with it being the commander calling to ask about Ken...

She finishes the phone conversation.

Well, let's be on our way, then.

To start with, we'll stop quickly by this here building, which you might recall is the power station for Hardia.

There's nobody down here, but...

...upstairs there's an old lady.

Well, we know already why, but the characters in the game don't, so she does make a valid point here! You can never get this dialogue if you don't do it now, so that's why we've made a short detour before going to the HQ!

On the way to the HQ we can also, as always, pick up a dog from this girl here whose family is leaving the planet.

Anyway, let's go to in the HQ.

This guy has a curious comment...

Going upstairs for the meeting, our colleague has something to say.

Mmhm, I will make sure to do that!
Also, the commander's secretary:

Well, let's head over to the meeting, shall we?

As always, we're given the choice to either watch or not the cutscene which explains the situation. Since it's the same as before, we'll skip it now.

As usual, there's no choice but to push the button!

After everybody is gone, we can talk to commander again.

Well, with this done, let's make our way out.

This guy has some more dialogue...

So this time too, Linda doesn't knock Ken out with a stick! So let's head downstairs.

Well, there's Linda and her mum there. Also, it seems that somebody has carelessly dropped a banana peel on the floor. So, uh, let's try to be careful...

...and not step on it.

Ken stepped on a banana peel and fell over at an inconvenient angle.
Through his faded consciousness, he thought he heard the sound of Linda's voice and the church bells at some point...

At some point in time, Ken wakes up in bed, with Linda standing nearby. How much time exactly has passed in the meantime?

Let's hope that Emory is doing a better job than last time!

Linda starts to leave, but then remembers...

It seems Ken also needs to regain his ability to speak, too! Nonetheless, it is us the player who needs to use the O button to blink once or twice, like so:

She goes away... us a moment to finally get out of bed!

While that's all going on...

...a person dressed in a Santa suit shows up at the door!

Oh, hey, it's Nek! He walks over to them...

As he starts to leave...

He just leaves without saying anything.

Indeed we do, but outside, Linda is again approached by Nek!

And he just runs off!

I guess Ken's injury caused them to be reunited?
Also, you might remember that this house that they just came out of is the house where Linda's family used to live before they moved to Minago. It seems that Ken and Linda are living here again. In any case, the location is labeled in game as "The Newlywed House", so...
For now, let's just talk to the guy in white who's been standing there in our yard.

Well, all right, I guess we should walk over to Ken's house and tell his mum that he's doing better now! But first, let's sit on the swing with Linda, as always!

All right, now let's go inside!

But... are you not going to fill us in about how is it that Ken even has a lost brother? I mean, you should know something, right? Guess not, huh?
Anyway, as we leave...

Well, sure, you go on a trip. Anyway, we have animals to be collecting. But don't think I've forgotten you glossing over the whole Nek situation!
Now, it's time to make sure we avoid our first "dead man walking" scenario.

It involves again going to the power station...

...and talking to the elderly couple here.

Huh, ok. Anyway, you actually have plenty of time to come here before it becomes too late, but it's best to do it immediately, so you don't forget.
Having done this, we can now leave. Let's head back over to the HQ.

On the way there, this lady has a bit of a gameplay tip which we already mostly know.

It's true. As long you have the animal, how you obtained it makes no difference. Even if a computer gives it to you from the cryogenic storage!
Now let's go in.

By the way, I almost forgot. How much time exactly has already passed? Opening the menu screen gives us the answer!

Yikes. Here we can see that it's already Spring 1992. So we have lost almost an entire year while Ken was incapacitated. Well, that's not great, but I guess we'll have to manage.
You can see that I also took out all the money from the bank. We'll need it to buy a second dog, but at least this time we don't need a loan since Ken was receiving his salary all this time. Of course we'll also do the money trick a bit and to obtain two swallow cutters, but a bit later. For now, let's head over to this room

We can talk to the person at the computer.

Also the guy by the stairs...

Oh, shut up!
Let's continue upstairs and talk to Ben.

Oh, shush!

We'll just go and look at your swimsuit calendar instead!

Huh, this time it's all four ladies: Elizabeth, Ann, Linda and Sachiko. Ok then.

Next, we'll head over here where the ranger housing is... and talk to this person standing here.

Sort of yes, but still be careful to not end up caught short on time.

Inside one of the shacks, we can talk to a ranger lady.

In another of the shacks, there is also a person to talk to.

Next, let's head briefly into the hotel.

To start with, we'll talk to the guy who is standing over there in his room...

Now we proceed upstairs.

Let's start with the ranger standing by the bar...

And then there's also this older guy in the corner...

Well, we might recall at this point about the place we visited in Scenario B, where there was a guard in one of the caves who mentioned that his duty was to watch over the dogs coming from a nearby nest... So, that might be a place to go looking for this "Fang". But we'll see soon enough.
All right, let's leave.

It's time to go and register at the ark, so we'll head out.

But in the entry hallway...

Linda makes a phone call.

Linda comes back to Ken.

While we're here, let's also check out the news bulletin.
N.K. News Bulletin
After choice for the ark crew, tragedy strikes!
Ken Challenger, a member of the Ranger Corps, fell down the stairs immediately after volunteering. Although he survived, he suffered a spinal cord injury, a caved in skull, and many other injuries to his body. It is expected it will take him at least six months to recover.
Well, ok, let's head out.

Obviously, we'll head over into the ark to register first.

There is a person here we can talk to!

Whatever, dude.

There's another person in the shack...

That is a very good question... and one we hope we find an answer to!

But, let's head into the ark itself.

Specifically, to this room, where as usual we can register as crew.

Let's head up to the other floor where the control room is.

Are they... somehow aware about what's been going on in the game so far?

No matter. Here is the control room entrance. It takes a moment to realise it consciously, but... actually neither of our characters are currently in any way incapacitated, so we can just waltz in here whenever we want!

Of course, we have no animals, so we're not going to be taking off just yet...

...but there's still this chest here in the corner, same as before!

Maybe this time we'll be able to find out what this is for!
But, let's leave it at that for now. Obviously next time we'll start our hunt and all that.
Right now, I have an important thing to tell you. Remember how I kept saying "later, later, later" on so many things?
Well, "later" is now. We have full freedom to explore this entire world and to discover all its mysteries. There will be no plot to push us forward and no cutscenes to distract us either. At this point, this game will be only what WE make of it to be. The world, as they say, is our oyster and it's time to go out and explore EVERYTING and collect ALL animals and solve ALL mysteries of this planet! The moment we've all been waiting for (I hope)!
As a little bit of a historical note, according to Shoji Masuda, the game's designer, this was always the original intention for the game, even back when it was tentatively named "Heavenly Zoo". There was no Linda in it and the only task was to use various game mechanics to explore everything and collect all species in an open world environment. Ultimately, it was decided that while novel, this concept might be a bit of a hard sell, so the character of Linda was added because "games with cute girls in them sell better", and then even two bonus scenarios were added in order to serve as a kind of a tutorial to ease the player into it.
How's that for a twist? It's literally a spoiler to even explain properly the game's structure to a new player!
Also... why two bonuses and not just one? Because adding just one bonus "would be seen as too cheap", apparently, according to Masuda!
Hey, so, I'll see you all back here next time when we start on our proper journey, finally!
Don't forget to eat those nutritious bananas in the meantime!

Today, we have an illustration of Nek and Sachiko, in their PC Engine versions: